Benefits of Micro-Needling on your skin
Medical Micro-Needling
Medical micro-needling is a cosmetic procedure that dermatologists and aestheticians use to pick the skin using minute sterilized needles. The pricking creates microscopic wounds that promote your skin to produce more collagen and elastin to fill up the defect. It is also commonly known as collagen induction therapy due to this reason. The healing process accelerated by this procedure gives your skin a new youthful appearance, and it can also be used to treat various skin conditions.
The procedure usually takes anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the area covered in the session, and can require multiple sessions for the results to appear.
Is Micro-Needling painful?
A very common misconception that arises when someone hears about micro-needling is that it must be painful since you are getting your skin punctured. But no, that isn't the case. The needles used are tiny and sterilized, only giving a sensation of slight pinpricking onto the skin. In addition, a special numbing cream is applied that removes all sensations of pricking. The treatment session is completely comfortable, and rarely do people face untoward reactions after it.
Benefits of Micro-Needling:
Opting for professional micro-needling can help you reap many benefits. If done by a trained professional, you can achieve the following benefits:
1. Decrease Acne:
The non-invasive nature of micro-needling keeps the skin intact1 and work its magic. It helps treat acne scars by promoting the growth of new skin cells. However, treatment on active pimples should be avoided to prevent exacerbation of infection.
2. Recovering Hair loss:
Micro-needling is a great way to supplement androgynous hair loss treatment as this helps stimulate collagen formation and neovascularization in the affected areas.2
3. Reduce Dark spots or scars (hyperpigmentation):
Microneedling can increase the skin cell turn over3 and help remove the bulked-up melanin inside the skin cells, thus reducing hyperpigmentation.
4. Filling large pores:
The healing nature of micro-needling visibly reduces enlarged pores after a few sessions.
5. Restoring skin elasticity:
By boosting collagen production, micro-needling restores the elasticity of the skin.
6. Removing Stretch marks:
Micro-needling also targets this condition and effectively reduces the striae, as shown by multiple research experiments as well.4
7. Decreasing Sun damage:
The safe depth penetration of micro-needling helps remove sunspots and sun-induced damage quite effectively.
8. Removing Fine lines and wrinkles
When to Take the Micro-Needling Treatment?
Taking up micro-needling sessions is good when you are in your mid 20's to 30's. The collagen production tones down a bit when you reach your mid 20's. So to get the maximum benefit of this treatment, you should consult our professional clinic to help restore the dwindling collagen in your skin and rejuvenate it to its maximum potential. This creates a strong foundation for your skin and helps mitigate the aging process in your successive years.
Nevertheless, it is also very beneficial for men and women of any ages to rejuvenate their skin and boost collagen volume in the applied area. It will help you get a fresher and healthier skin than ever before.
Should Micro-Needling be done in a Home or a Professional Setting?
Microneedling is quite popular nowadays, and many people prefer adopting the DIY approach for themselves. However, even though it can be less costly to perform this at home, professional micro-needling most definitely has a better outcome.
Getting a session from a certified clinic is often better than an amateur attempt at home for many reasons:
1. First of all, getting treatment from a professional keeps the risk of infection minimum. Sterilized tools are used, and the experienced treatment providers use the best possible technique, keeping in view the nature of the client's skin.
2. Secondly, treatment provided at a skincare setting also involves the use of special medical grade peptides and growth factors that provide the needed boost for optimum skin recovery. This in turn also helps to reduce the number of times you have to undergo treatment to yield the best possible results.
So choosing well-equipped and well-trained professionals is a no-brainer at all! Book an appointment with us to help see your amazing transformation.
1. El-Domyati M, Barakat M, Awad S, Medhat W, El-Fakahany H, Farag H. Microneedling Therapy for Atrophic Acne Scars: An Objective Evaluation. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. Jul 2015;8(7):36-42.
2. Fertig RM, Gamret AC, Cervantes J, Tosti A. Microneedling for the treatment of hair loss? J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. Apr 2018;32(4):564-569. doi:10.1111/jdv.14722
3. Liebl H, Kloth LC. Skin cell proliferation stimulated by microneedles. J Am Coll Clin Wound Spec. Mar 2012;4(1):2-6. doi:10.1016/j.jccw.2012.11.001
4. Alster TS, Li MK. Microneedling Treatment of Striae Distensae in Light and Dark Skin With Long-Term Follow-Up. Dermatol Surg. Apr 2020;46(4):459-464. doi:10.1097/dss.0000000000002081